Securing Tax Credits and Incentives

While managing your tax obligations can seem overwhelming, local, state and federal tax incentives have been created to encourage and reward specific activities with opportunities to reduce tax liabilities. Ensuring that you don’t pay more than your fair share of taxes requires understanding both available incentives and how your business activities may qualify you to secure them. For businesses that qualify for incentives, the effect on tax liabilities can be substantial, with many businesses significantly reducing their tax bills and increasing their bottom line.

Is your business taking advantage of all of the credits and incentives available to you? If not, you are probably paying more tax than necessary and limiting the value that your business creates. JPS’ tax specialists work hard to help our clients identify, maximize and sustain available tax incentives. We focus on continuously educating our team to ensure that we understand available opportunities, and we spend time with each client in order to build the understanding necessary to help you realize the benefits.

We help clients obtain valuable incentives including:

  • Research and development (R&D) tax credits
  • Cost segregation & depreciation incentives
  • State and local incentives including property tax abatements
  • Sales tax incentives
  • International tax incentives including IC-DISCs for exporters
  • Green and alternative energy credits
  • Economic incentives for expansion including training grants

Tax incentives can provide tremendous savings to qualified businesses.

To learn how credits and incentives may benefit your organization contact a JPS professional listed below.